Monday, July 6, 2009

Busy bee

Life is crazy busy these days.... Last week dad was in the hospital (Yikes!) with what we later found out was strep, which I got, Forrest got and my sis got. Nothing like spreading the love. This weekend is Amber's Bachelorette party which I must say, I'm pretty excited for. I've lost 13 lbs so I'm feeling good and even though I am going to miss my baby like crazy, it will be awesome to have a night out with my girls. Something that rarely ever happens anymore! Let's just pray I come home to a semi-clean house and my baby in on piece! haha

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I’m back to a point in my life where I feel like I don’t really have any friends. I mean, sure I have people I talk to at work through email and I know if I REALLY needed anything, people would be there. But aside from that, I don’t talk to anyone, I don’t do anything with anyone. I mainly stay home and play with Leona. I don’t know if it’s because people think they can’t ask me to do things or if they assume I’m just too busy, but it sucks. I would like to have a life outside of my house and it just doesn’t seem to be happening for me. I’m not one to invite myself places so that’s not really going to happen…. I just feel stuck in a rut, like an outsider. Again.

On the bright side, I am going to go see one of my bff's in Fresno next weekend, it will be nice to get away for a little while.

Monday, March 2, 2009

SO excited!

I am so excited I could pee my pants! haha not really but I am THAT excited! I absolutely LOVE Eric Clapton, always have, and he's sort of "special" to me and my dad. at 10 am with the help of 2 of my lovely work friends, I BOUGHT TICKETS TO HIS CONCERT!!! OMG, I am so friggin excited! I'm taking my dad for his birthday, which is May 5th, he doesn't know yet, I will tell him this week. I won't be able to wait! The concert is Monday June 29th. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

I need a break.

As much as I appreciate my mom watching my daughter and as much as it relieves a lot of stress I would have from someone I don’t know watching her, I can’t help but sometimes think that daycare may just be a better way to go. She’s good with her and I know she takes good care of her, but I constantly feeling like she is questioning me and how I raise/take care of her. She has skin problems and I have taken her to the doctor for it, we have specific instructions from the doctor on what to do about it yet I constantly get the “Well you need to talk to her doctor about this” or “It’s really bad Megan” like I don’t know and like it doesn’t absolutely kill me that my daughter has to suffer something like this. I am doing all I can do for her right now because I am not a freakin’ magical healer, if I was, trust me, I would heal her in a heartbeat! She is eating baby food now, it’s not a REQUIREMENT it’s simply to get her used to it, you can start her anywhere from 4 to 6 months. She ran out of her food and I didn’t send any with her and I’m getting bitched at. “Well you need to talk to her doctor about not feeding her”. Excuse, but it’s not like I am starving my child. She is eating her formula and if she goes a day without eating regular food, that doesn’t make me a bad mom, and it doesn’t make her any less taken care of. I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders right now and I am trying EVERYTHING I can to keep it together, but it’s like one thing after another. I am not a bad mom, I make sure my kid is taken care of. I tell my mom all the time to put the baby down, she holds her ALL day and she hasn’t learned to roll over yet, she will be 6 months old on the 15th and she hasn’t rolled over yet. I don’t want her to be held back because my mom doesn’t want her to “grow to fast” *her words*. I just don’t know what to do, I’m so stressed out and irritated at the same time that I don’t know which way to turn. I need a vacation, badly.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wedding Stuff

Here is the link to the dress I am SO SO SO in love with.. Ribbon is pink (Just pink!)

Here are some Bridesmaid dresses I was looking at (for those in my wedding interested LOL!) The dresses will be black btw;


Work work work

Life is so hectic! I have the stress from work (SO much work and an evil boss who hates me), the stress at home (trying to keep everything together) and all of life's little worries that come along. I am trying to find a good balance but it's just not coming to me... Any ideas?